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Yoel Iskindir

[yo-EL is-KIN-dir] noun

Hello and welcome. I am a filmmaker and educator.

My passion for storytelling dates back to childhood. The limited representation in media motivated me to create an impact.

I’ve used media and education to evoke change in places from the classes I took as a first generation college student, to the classes I now teach as a digital media educator. I’ve seen my young students work in galas and film festivals around the country.

Currently, I am in post-production for “Twice as Fast,” a short film I wrote, directed and produced. The film follows a teen aspiring to create community change despite his limited circumstances.

Twice as Fast

Upcoming Short Film

This short film explores the challenges many underrepresented children face who want to succeed as much as their privileged peers, but with half the resources.

Through this film, we can bring forward a conversation about the pervasive ways access inequality limits success for young folks in our community.

When you support this project, you’re ensuring that this story reaches its full potential. You’re ensuring that beyond the Hollywood system, beyond the tropes we see on screen, that real stories about us have a chance.

Please visit the Indiegogo page to learn more!



Unique Stories • Unique Voices


History of The Ruth: Bayview Opera House

Listen to community leaders share their historic memories and future inspiration about the Bayview Opera House - Ruth Williams Memorial Theatre.

A project I directed with BAYCAT.

Island Hoppers Trailer

After being a production coordinator shooting across the Caribbean on a fun-filled boat, I am excited to share this recently-released show. Three comics, one James Van Der Beek, a cruise ship, and a huge opportunity. This is “Island Hoppers.”

Yoel Iskindir Filmmaking Reel


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